PARUS Project Page / Manual EngRussian
There are 4 stages:
  1. Tuning the toolkit for a concrete architecture
  2. Preparing the task
  3. Static tuning of the task for the architecture
  4. Execution

1. Tuning the system

  1. Get the file procs.vct defining the performance by processor_test utility
  2. Get the file defining network speed by network_test utility

2. Static tuning of the task for the architecture

  1. Get the file schedule.sch defining desired processors and desired order of execution.

3. Execution

  1. Compile the C++ file with system kernel (e.g. by make utility). An output is prog file.
  2. Execute the program by a standard utility. E.g. mpirun -np 8 prog graph.grf schedule.sch  procs.vct, where
8 number of processors
prog name of file to be executed
graph.grf text representation of algorithm graph
shedule.sch schedule file
procs.vct processor performance file network performance file
Project admin: Alexey Salnikov